Hack Symbian Phones No Cert Needed

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Latest Way To Hack A Symbian Phone

1. An Unhacked Symbian Phone
2. A Data Cable or MicroSD Card-Reader
3. Internet Access from your Mobile Phone (GPRS or WiFi)
4. New-Hack.zip (Download Below)
5. Appropriate InstallServer.exe for your Device (Search Online)

1. Connect your phone to your PC in Mass Storage Mode via your data cable or use an appropriate card-reader...
(this is to get access to the private folder on your memory card)

2. Copy the 20024113 folder (included in this zip) to your memory card private folder...
(for example, if your PC assigned your memory card drive letter as G, you would copy the 20024113 folder to G:Private)

3. Now once youve copied the 20024113 folder to the private folder, you can correctly disconnect your phone from your PC,
and install DrWeb-v6.0.sis (included in this zip) on your phones memory card...

4. Launch DrWeb-v6.0, note that youll have to apply for a demo key by filling out a short form and submitting it, also in some
phones after the demo key is saved to your device, your phone may freeze up...if this is the case then simply remove the
battery and reboot your phone... (dont worry has this will not harm your device in any way)

5. Once your demo key is saved, go to Options>Quarantine and you should see a list of the files you copied to your memory
card (private folder). Now go to Options>Select All and it will mark all the files on the list. Now go to Options>Restore and
all the files on the list should dissappear. (which means the files have been moved to c:sys in)

6. Now install RomPatcher+-v3.1-Lite.sis to phone memory, and launch...you should not get a pop-up message saying that
the .LDD files wasnt found, if you do then something went wrong and you should remove all apps and restart from step 1.
If you didnt get that pop-up message...you can now apply the Open4All patch which gives access to system folders. You
can try the installserver patch if your phone is supported or search online for the appropriate installserver.exe for your
device... (installserver.exe must be copied to c:sys in to install unsigned apps)

Download :

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